Serge Gainsbourg (1928-1991)

"Les Sucettes" song (from French "lollipops") is one of France Gall's most important hits along with "Poupée de cire, poupée de son", both written by Serge Gainsbourg. The 1966 single proved a great success and became a classic in French pop music. The song established a new trend for erotic double entendres in pop music.
"Les Sucettes" was, on the surface, a pleasant children's song. But, unknown to Gall, the lyrics were filled with strong sexual innuendo and sexually humorous puns. According to Gall, she performed the song as a simple children's song about a girl who loves aniseed-flavored lollipops and was completely unaware of the erotic subtext of the lyrics, which involve extensive, playful double meanings referring to oral sex.
Fuente: Wikipedia.

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2 comentarios:

Tyler Durden dijo...

Actualización: La Bobina ha hablado del film Charlotte for Ever, con el gran Serge toqueteando a su hijísima...

Tyler Durden dijo...

Actualización: ojito con este videoclip de la canción:

Sutilezas las justas XD